
Teacher Training

I train teachers and school staff so they can understand how children's behaviour is directly linked to their psychological experiences.

Using recent developments in neuroscience as well as psychological theories, schools can ensure that mental health and wellbeing are top of their agenda which in turn helps children to be able to learn well and be happy!

Helping teachers develop strategies and systems that mean all the children in the class have their psychological needs met whilst also creating an atmosphere where learning and the enjoyment of learning is top of the agenda!



Motivation Strategies


Well-Being Plans


Emotional Literacy


Inspiring good behaviour


Neuroscience - Motivation Strategies - Well-Being Plans - Emotional Literacy - Inspiring good behaviour -

Why would a school work

with a psychotherpist / parent coach?

  • Stressful times of the day or week

  • Shouting and tantrums

  • Children not doing what they are asked to do 

  • Lack of fun and laughter

Learning new ways of communicating firmly and warmly parents can create a family life that involves lots of fun and laughter as well as children with resilience and self-confidence!

I trained with Noel Janis-Norton of Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting and I use her skills as a basis for my work with parents.